Monday, March 31, 2014

5 Minutes or 5 hours: the Internet connection will decide.

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I had a clear plan of what I wanted to achieve in 5 minutes when I got to the bank. I have done this before and I knew how long it takes.

Step 1: Check latest status of local account
Step 2: Flip out a Visa card that is linked to an international account
Step 3: Withdraw a given amount from the international account to feed into the local account
Step 4: Send cash via a money transfer service to someone in an un-banked rural area
Step 5: Send the transaction details of the money transfer to the receiver by SMS
Step 6: Go home.

But this very day, things just did not work out the way they should. There has been a general Internet connectivity low in the city and I did not take that into consideration when I was doing my 5-minutes calculations. As always, I walk into the bank and the first uncomfortable thing was the sight of the many people on the queue. I sensed a problem.

“Madam, we have a problem with the Internet connection. Our systems are slow.”

I told myself, I could use the time that the queue lasts to do one or two things. I keep my place on the queue, and walk over to the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) outside. Step 1 was to find out the status of the local account.

“This service cannot be completed at the moment” the ATM said.

Fine, I told myself. Since I was at the bank, I might as well ask Customer Service to check up on that account.

Madame, even the intra-bank communications are not going”

Step 1 is foiled. I tell myself that I will get to that some time. It is important to proceed to Steps 2 and 3. I get the Visa card out, to be able to pull the cash I needed.

“Your financial Institution is unavailable.”

The message here is that connections between us and other banks are just not working at the moment.

So I am on the queue to send cash that I have not yet withdrawn from an account which is impossible to access! I need a B Plan. The people in the village are waiting for the money. It took me 3 hours to be able to raise the cash needed. And now I realise to what extent my savings and financial life are linked to the Internet!!

It takes another 30 minutes to do the money transfer. “Madam, please be patient, our Internet is slow today”.

Yes. “The Internet is slow today” and I have lost 5 hours of productivity, emotional balance and almost the trust of people who are dear to me.

Affordable, reliable and broadband Internet. Give it to me, and I will gain time, productivity and trust.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's sad when you think about all the wasted time caused by the slow internet connection. I also experienced the same dilemma, and it's really frustrating. This is one of the reasons why businesses, especially banks, should get a reliable and fast internet service provider. It will speed up their transactions and assure their clients that their accounts are safe and accessible by them at all times.

Jannette Britt