Friday, December 3, 2010

Interest in the Ivory Coast explodes on the Internet

Yesterday was a phenomenal day in Côte d'Ivoire. Millions of Ivorians were waiting for the announcement of the presidential run-off elections. Many had kept vigil the night before waiting for same results. The tension was almost palpable.. I took time to note the people using the hashtag #civ2010 on Twitter to comment the events.


The Electoral Commission President announces results suddenly. In the minutes that followed, the President of the Constitutional Council appears on TV to invalidate the announcement. National media does not give an echo to the results pronounced. International media fires it up!

The national audio visual authority announces the suspension of most of the international media that relayed the results.. Then follows the army to announce that the borders, ports and airport are all shut down until further notice.

And the #civ2010 on Twitter increases like wild fire! In the previous blog, I had some 140 users. In 24 hours, I have more than the double. So here is to the #civ2010 people.

@ADO__Solutions @ConseilEnter @jess @phenotwit
@2romeo @cool_isack @jeune_afrique @PierreBoisselet
@5_Star_Dancer @cote_ivoire_10 @jkokolouis @pierredrevon
@7Jdam @cotedivoirevote @joelassoko @Pousky34
@aba78 @couleurkf @jpehouman @QuinteEssence
@ABezardin @Coxxi_Ka @jpeyron @Radio_Africa1
@abidjan_net @croth53 @Kamanzibony @rbamba
@abracabra1 @cuisineanxious @kanazan @rbamba
@adikouadio @cyriacgbogou @kanosouley @RFI_Francais
@africamedia_CPJ @Dalou_Gouto @KapseeK @RichardBuangan
@africatechie @danieleseignot @karamalet @RTI_Officiel
@ags_blog @ddarave @Kasbig @ryerbanga
@AhoumaWilliam @ddcabobo @KatieS @S0ul3
@akandewa @dembagueye @katsuiro @sacregis
@akwedo @Deusking @KirAfrique @sameganegie
@AmericaGovFr @diabymohamed @koskoryma @samsmoop
@Androsvacuna @dickc @kotch73 @Samuel_Lafont
@annagueye @Dipupa @kouamouo @Sanders225
@AnnaIvory @djibrilkonetwt @koumamahamadou @sanjnapatel89
@annayanna2010 @DjWiky @kouya @SarahBaudoa
@anti_gbagbo @dogothetrue @krisskanak @SenamBeheton
@arKeipos @eallogo @ladvocatus @Sessa06
@arnaudcontreras @eliaws @Lagoyu @sevensad80
@arolove06 @elicoopter_afr @lamoufle @Simon_2T
@ARSParis @eliepatrigeon @Larbi_org @SirDarlington
@ATL_SkillZ @Eltomo223 @leboncharly @sixtem63
@atteby @ermartinfr @LEMECTIMIDE @Skyy1712
@attou_225 @Essoh @lemondefr @solofo
@au_gbata @ETAMBA @LeNouvelObs @sonjasugira
@avecado @ettiboa @lesoir @spysamy
@avenue225 @Eurabia @lionelchobli @stefanmeisel
@ayakouassi @euronews @Liveben @stephaaniee20
@babanguidana @exmuros @LoudL @StevenJambot
@banjini @fabricezag @lsaman @studioprodim
@baroquefatigue @fafaex @MacJordaN @Suchablog
@basileniane @farafinet @macmady @sultankech
@baybou1 @FASHIZBLACK_Mag @mamet_kag @susperctn
@belle_deux_fois @Fasokan @mamsthiam @sybechir
@Belligiani @fbouare @Manubrookings @SYC31
@bembelly @felixbriaud @marckhod @teteenyon
@BeninGateway @fokebowo @MaryMary225 @ThatGirlN
@bglossy @france24 @matkonan @theliane
@bienmalacquit @France24_fr @maynalysa @TherealthreeM
@bloggersn @franceonu @mefonga @TheShid
@blogsolidaires @Francois_Bougon @mekyl_web @thierry_ratsiz
@blz2002 @Frederictape @melmodeste_ci @TiTeFLeUR
@boua_7 @FreeBEEz @Menilmuche @tohouri
@broshing @furiatito @miezanezo @tommymiles
@brucebanter @gabnorev @Mika_Wheels @toussine
@byby__ush @gauch0bot @MisterKD @twitafrika
@bzkdjc @Gbagbolaurent @MKasH225 @usnico
@Camso2010 @GhislainLambert @moalla @vincentduhem
@capone30 @Gigi_237RMD @modem @voxafrica
@cartunelo @Gilles_W @monkeydubious @vwyeth
@ceddoo @gloriamika @MouhamedSY @WattaVX
@CFD7 @gmignot @MrMaith @Weloje73
@Chabalis @gouaf @MrZou @wilfriedn
@Chabalis @Heeyva @NICOLAS_NEGOCE @wonzomai
@champico @heideger2010 @nicomedbxl @yapadra
@ChantalBiya @hofrench @nightsnake1975 @Yetenba
@chantalrebelle @hohiere @njomomojojojo @yojedesign
@charleskci @Hopscotch_D @nnenna @yoroba
@ChawkiGhassani @hudin @ocomar @YoungMaSS
@Chris_soFly @Hugothecatalyst @okibat @ziadmaalouf
@chrissyll @ibdlike @olvem @zinebdryef
@Christian_Douti @imaki @onafrica @zionnegus
@christreporter @IshyArt @ourmaninafrica @zwanbourg
@Chroland @isi225 @pacteau
@chuck_carter @ismaelromaric @PaixCIV
@civ2010 @IvoireDiaspo @pandaka36
@cjrichie007 @Jahrow @Panoptique
@CLunang @jazzyy @Parti_Socialist
@coastalpastor @jbgauvin @patageron
@codip @jeanettemallet @PaulLarraouturou
@connectionivoir @jeanschweppes @pdrevon

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